
HTML Color Codes

HTML Color codes are triple hexadecimal numbers each representing red, green and blue (RGB) colors. The mixture of red, green and blue colors make up a HTML color, and each color can be used in foreground or background in texts, borders and HTML elements. The HTML color codes are represented with # (pound) to denote hexadecimal followed by 3-hexa numbers (i.e. #RRGGBB). The #FF0000 represents Red, #00FF00 represents Green, #0000FF represents Blue and mixture of those numbers make up a color.

Color Picker



(214, 137, 16)
(37, 86%, 45%)

Inspect a color by entering a color code:

Bootstrap Alert Color Codes

Primary (#3B71CA)
Secondary (#9FA6B2)
Success (#14A44D)
Danger (#DC4C64)
Warning (#E4A11B)
Info (#54B4D3)
Light (#FBFBFB)
Dark (#332D2D)

List of common HTML color codes

Here is a list of some of the most popular HTML colors and their codes. Some HTML color codes can be represented with names.

Color Name HEX RGB
White #FFFFFF rgb(255, 255, 255)
Silver #C0C0C0 rgb(192, 192, 192)
Gray #808080 rgb(128, 128, 128)
Black #000000 rgb(0, 0, 0)
Red #FF0000 rgb(255, 0, 0)
Maroon #800000 rgb(128,0,0)
Yellow #FFFF00 rgb(255, 255, 0)
Olive #808000 rgb(128, 128, 0)
Lime #00FF00 rgb(0, 255, 0)
Green #008000 rgb(0, 128, 0)
Aqua #00FFFF rgb(0, 255, 255)
Teal #008080 rgb(0, 128, 128)
Blue #0000FF rgb(0, 0, 255)
Navy #000080 rgb(0, 0, 128)
Fuchsia #FF00FF rgb(255, 0, 255)
Purple #800080 rgb(128, 0, 128)

List of common Bootstrap Color Codes

Bootstrap is a popular front-end framework for web development that provides a set of pre-designed CSS and JavaScript components to help developers create responsive and visually appealing web pages. Bootstrap includes a predefined set of color classes that you can use to apply various color schemes to your web elements. These color classes are typically used with text, backgrounds, buttons, and other design elements.

Color Name HEX RGB HSL
Black (SYSTEM) #000000 rgb(0,0,0) hsl(0,0%,0%)
Maroon (SYSTEM) #800000 rgb(128,0,0) hsl(0,100%,25%)
Green (SYSTEM) #008000 rgb(0,128,0) hsl(120,100%,25%)
Olive (SYSTEM) #808000 rgb(128,128,0) hsl(60,100%,25%)
Navy (SYSTEM) #000080 rgb(0,0,128) hsl(240,100%,25%)
Purple (SYSTEM) #800080 rgb(128,0,128) hsl(300,100%,25%)
Teal (SYSTEM) #008080 rgb(0,128,128) hsl(180,100%,25%)
Silver (SYSTEM) #c0c0c0 rgb(192,192,192) hsl(0,0%,75%)
Grey (SYSTEM) #808080 rgb(128,128,128) hsl(0,0%,50%)
Red (SYSTEM) #ff0000 rgb(255,0,0) hsl(0,100%,50%)
Lime (SYSTEM) #00ff00 rgb(0,255,0) hsl(120,100%,50%)
Yellow (SYSTEM) #ffff00 rgb(255,255,0) hsl(60,100%,50%)
Blue (SYSTEM) #0000ff rgb(0,0,255) hsl(240,100%,50%)
Fuchsia (SYSTEM) #ff00ff rgb(255,0,255) hsl(300,100%,50%)
Aqua (SYSTEM) #00ffff rgb(0,255,255) hsl(180,100%,50%)
White (SYSTEM) #ffffff rgb(255,255,255) hsl(0,0%,100%)
Grey0 #000000 rgb(0,0,0) hsl(0,0%,0%)
NavyBlue #00005f rgb(0,0,95) hsl(240,100%,18%)
DarkBlue #000087 rgb(0,0,135) hsl(240,100%,26%)
Blue3 #0000af rgb(0,0,175) hsl(240,100%,34%)
Blue3 #0000d7 rgb(0,0,215) hsl(240,100%,42%)
Blue1 #0000ff rgb(0,0,255) hsl(240,100%,50%)
DarkGreen #005f00 rgb(0,95,0) hsl(120,100%,18%)
DeepSkyBlue4 #005f5f rgb(0,95,95) hsl(180,100%,18%)
DeepSkyBlue4 #005f87 rgb(0,95,135) hsl(97,100%,26%)
DeepSkyBlue4 #005faf rgb(0,95,175) hsl(07,100%,34%)
DodgerBlue3 #005fd7 rgb(0,95,215) hsl(13,100%,42%)
DodgerBlue2 #005fff rgb(0,95,255) hsl(17,100%,50%)
Green4 #008700 rgb(0,135,0) hsl(120,100%,26%)
SpringGreen4 #00875f rgb(0,135,95) hsl(62,100%,26%)
Turquoise4 #008787 rgb(0,135,135) hsl(180,100%,26%)
DeepSkyBlue3 #0087af rgb(0,135,175) hsl(93,100%,34%)
DeepSkyBlue3 #0087d7 rgb(0,135,215) hsl(02,100%,42%)
DodgerBlue1 #0087ff rgb(0,135,255) hsl(08,100%,50%)
Green3 #00af00 rgb(0,175,0) hsl(120,100%,34%)
SpringGreen3 #00af5f rgb(0,175,95) hsl(52,100%,34%)
DarkCyan #00af87 rgb(0,175,135) hsl(66,100%,34%)
LightSeaGreen #00afaf rgb(0,175,175) hsl(180,100%,34%)
DeepSkyBlue2 #00afd7 rgb(0,175,215) hsl(91,100%,42%)
DeepSkyBlue1 #00afff rgb(0,175,255) hsl(98,100%,50%)
Green3 #00d700 rgb(0,215,0) hsl(120,100%,42%)
SpringGreen3 #00d75f rgb(0,215,95) hsl(46,100%,42%)
SpringGreen2 #00d787 rgb(0,215,135) hsl(57,100%,42%)
Cyan3 #00d7af rgb(0,215,175) hsl(68,100%,42%)
DarkTurquoise #00d7d7 rgb(0,215,215) hsl(180,100%,42%)
Turquoise2 #00d7ff rgb(0,215,255) hsl(89,100%,50%)
Green1 #00ff00 rgb(0,255,0) hsl(120,100%,50%)
SpringGreen2 #00ff5f rgb(0,255,95) hsl(42,100%,50%)
SpringGreen1 #00ff87 rgb(0,255,135) hsl(51,100%,50%)
MediumSpringGreen #00ffaf rgb(0,255,175) hsl(61,100%,50%)
Cyan2 #00ffd7 rgb(0,255,215) hsl(70,100%,50%)
Cyan1 #00ffff rgb(0,255,255) hsl(180,100%,50%)
DarkRed #5f0000 rgb(95,0,0) hsl(0,100%,18%)
DeepPink4 #5f005f rgb(95,0,95) hsl(300,100%,18%)
Purple4 #5f0087 rgb(95,0,135) hsl(82,100%,26%)
Purple4 #5f00af rgb(95,0,175) hsl(72,100%,34%)
Purple3 #5f00d7 rgb(95,0,215) hsl(66,100%,42%)
BlueViolet #5f00ff rgb(95,0,255) hsl(62,100%,50%)
Orange4 #5f5f00 rgb(95,95,0) hsl(60,100%,18%)
Grey37 #5f5f5f rgb(95,95,95) hsl(0,0%,37%)
MediumPurple4 #5f5f87 rgb(95,95,135) hsl(240,17%,45%)
SlateBlue3 #5f5faf rgb(95,95,175) hsl(240,33%,52%)
SlateBlue3 #5f5fd7 rgb(95,95,215) hsl(240,60%,60%)
RoyalBlue1 #5f5fff rgb(95,95,255) hsl(240,100%,68%)
Chartre use4 #5f8700 rgb(95,135,0) hsl(7,100%,26%)
DarkSeaGreen4 #5f875f rgb(95,135,95) hsl(120,17%,45%)
PaleTurquoise4 #5f8787 rgb(95,135,135) hsl(180,17%,45%)
SteelBlue #5f87af rgb(95,135,175) hsl(210,33%,52%)
SteelBlue3 #5f87d7 rgb(95,135,215) hsl(220,60%,60%)
CornflowerBlue #5f87ff rgb(95,135,255) hsl(225,100%,68%)
Chartre use3 #5faf00 rgb(95,175,0) hsl(7,100%,34%)
DarkSeaGreen4 #5faf5f rgb(95,175,95) hsl(120,33%,52%)
CadetBlue #5faf87 rgb(95,175,135) hsl(150,33%,52%)
CadetBlue #5fafaf rgb(95,175,175) hsl(180,33%,52%)
SkyBlue3 #5fafd7 rgb(95,175,215) hsl(200,60%,60%)
SteelBlue1 #5fafff rgb(95,175,255) hsl(210,100%,68%)
Chartre use3 #5fd700 rgb(95,215,0) hsl(3,100%,42%)
PaleGreen3 #5fd75f rgb(95,215,95) hsl(120,60%,60%)
SeaGreen3 #5fd787 rgb(95,215,135) hsl(140,60%,60%)
Aquamarine3 #5fd7af rgb(95,215,175) hsl(160,60%,60%)
MediumTurquoise #5fd7d7 rgb(95,215,215) hsl(180,60%,60%)
SteelBlue1 #5fd7ff rgb(95,215,255) hsl(195,100%,68%)
Chartre use2 #5fff00 rgb(95,255,0) hsl(7,100%,50%)
SeaGreen2 #5fff5f rgb(95,255,95) hsl(120,100%,68%)
SeaGreen1 #5fff87 rgb(95,255,135) hsl(135,100%,68%)
SeaGreen1 #5fffaf rgb(95,255,175) hsl(150,100%,68%)
Aquamarine1 #5fffd7 rgb(95,255,215) hsl(165,100%,68%)
DarkSlateGray2 #5fffff rgb(95,255,255) hsl(180,100%,68%)
DarkRed #870000 rgb(135,0,0) hsl(0,100%,26%)
DeepPink4 #87005f rgb(135,0,95) hsl(17,100%,26%)
DarkMagenta #870087 rgb(135,0,135) hsl(300,100%,26%)
DarkMagenta #8700af rgb(135,0,175) hsl(86,100%,34%)
DarkViolet #8700d7 rgb(135,0,215) hsl(77,100%,42%)
Purple #8700ff rgb(135,0,255) hsl(71,100%,50%)
Orange4 #875f00 rgb(135,95,0) hsl(2,100%,26%)
LightPink4 #875f5f rgb(135,95,95) hsl(0,17%,45%)
Plum4 #875f87 rgb(135,95,135) hsl(300,17%,45%)
MediumPurple3 #875faf rgb(135,95,175) hsl(270,33%,52%)
MediumPurple3 #875fd7 rgb(135,95,215) hsl(260,60%,60%)
SlateBlue1 #875fff rgb(135,95,255) hsl(255,100%,68%)
Yellow4 #878700 rgb(135,135,0) hsl(60,100%,26%)
Wheat4 #87875f rgb(135,135,95) hsl(60,17%,45%)
Grey53 #878787 rgb(135,135,135) hsl(0,0%,52%)
LightSlateGrey #8787af rgb(135,135,175) hsl(240,20%,60%)
MediumPurple #8787d7 rgb(135,135,215) hsl(240,50%,68%)
LightSlateBlue #8787ff rgb(135,135,255) hsl(240,100%,76%)
Yellow4 #87af00 rgb(135,175,0) hsl(3,100%,34%)
DarkOliveGreen3 #87af5f rgb(135,175,95) hsl(90,33%,52%)
DarkSeaGreen #87af87 rgb(135,175,135) hsl(120,20%,60%)
LightSkyBlue3 #87afaf rgb(135,175,175) hsl(180,20%,60%)
LightSkyBlue3 #87afd7 rgb(135,175,215) hsl(210,50%,68%)
SkyBlue2 #87afff rgb(135,175,255) hsl(220,100%,76%)
Chartreuse2 #87d700 rgb(135,215,0) hsl(2,100%,42%)
DarkOliveGreen3 #87d75f rgb(135,215,95) hsl(100,60%,60%)
PaleGreen3 #87d787 rgb(135,215,135) hsl(120,50%,68%)
DarkSeaGreen3 #87d7af rgb(135,215,175) hsl(150,50%,68%)
DarkSlateGray3 #87d7d7 rgb(135,215,215) hsl(180,50%,68%)
SkyBlue1 #87d7ff rgb(135,215,255) hsl(200,100%,76%)
Chartreuse1 #87ff00 rgb(135,255,0) hsl(8,100%,50%)
LightGreen #87ff5f rgb(135,255,95) hsl(105,100%,68%)
LightGreen #87ff87 rgb(135,255,135) hsl(120,100%,76%)
PaleGreen1 #87ffaf rgb(135,255,175) hsl(140,100%,76%)
Aquamarine1 #87ffd7 rgb(135,255,215) hsl(160,100%,76%)
DarkSlateGray1 #87ffff rgb(135,255,255) hsl(180,100%,76%)
Red3 #af0000 rgb(175,0,0) hsl(0,100%,34%)
DeepPink4 #af005f rgb(175,0,95) hsl(27,100%,34%)
MediumVioletRed #af0087 rgb(175,0,135) hsl(13,100%,34%)
Magenta3 #af00af rgb(175,0,175) hsl(300,100%,34%)
DarkViolet #af00d7 rgb(175,0,215) hsl(88,100%,42%)
Purple #af00ff rgb(175,0,255) hsl(81,100%,50%)
DarkOrange3 #af5f00 rgb(175,95,0) hsl(2,100%,34%)
IndianRed #af5f5f rgb(175,95,95) hsl(0,33%,52%)
HotPink3 #af5f87 rgb(175,95,135) hsl(330,33%,52%)
MediumOrchid3 #af5faf rgb(175,95,175) hsl(300,33%,52%)
MediumOrchid #af5fd7 rgb(175,95,215) hsl(280,60%,60%)
MediumPurple2 #af5fff rgb(175,95,255) hsl(270,100%,68%)
DarkGoldenrod #af8700 rgb(175,135,0) hsl(6,100%,34%)
LightSalmon3 #af875f rgb(175,135,95) hsl(30,33%,52%)
RosyBrown #af8787 rgb(175,135,135) hsl(0,20%,60%)
Grey63 #af87af rgb(175,135,175) hsl(300,20%,60%)
MediumPurple2 #af87d7 rgb(175,135,215) hsl(270,50%,68%)
MediumPurple1 #af87ff rgb(175,135,255) hsl(260,100%,76%)
Gold3 #afaf00 rgb(175,175,0) hsl(60,100%,34%)
DarkKhaki #afaf5f rgb(175,175,95) hsl(60,33%,52%)
NavajoWhite3 #afaf87 rgb(175,175,135) hsl(60,20%,60%)
Grey69 #afafaf rgb(175,175,175) hsl(0,0%,68%)
LightSteelBlue3 #afafd7 rgb(175,175,215) hsl(240,33%,76%)
LightSteelBlue #afafff rgb(175,175,255) hsl(240,100%,84%)
Yellow3 #afd700 rgb(175,215,0) hsl(1,100%,42%)
DarkOliveGreen3 #afd75f rgb(175,215,95) hsl(80,60%,60%)
DarkSeaGreen3 #afd787 rgb(175,215,135) hsl(90,50%,68%)
DarkSeaGreen2 #afd7af rgb(175,215,175) hsl(120,33%,76%)
LightCyan3 #afd7d7 rgb(175,215,215) hsl(180,33%,76%)
LightSkyBlue1 #afd7ff rgb(175,215,255) hsl(210,100%,84%)
GreenYellow #afff00 rgb(175,255,0) hsl(8,100%,50%)
DarkOliveGreen2 #afff5f rgb(175,255,95) hsl(90,100%,68%)
PaleGreen1 #afff87 rgb(175,255,135) hsl(100,100%,76%)
DarkSeaGreen2 #afffaf rgb(175,255,175) hsl(120,100%,84%)
DarkSeaGreen1 #afffd7 rgb(175,255,215) hsl(150,100%,84%)
PaleTurquoise1 #afffff rgb(175,255,255) hsl(180,100%,84%)
Red3 #d70000 rgb(215,0,0) hsl(0,100%,42%)
DeepPink3 #d7005f rgb(215,0,95) hsl(33,100%,42%)
DeepPink3 #d70087 rgb(215,0,135) hsl(22,100%,42%)
Magenta3 #d700af rgb(215,0,175) hsl(11,100%,42%)
Magenta3 #d700d7 rgb(215,0,215) hsl(300,100%,42%)
Magenta2 #d700ff rgb(215,0,255) hsl(90,100%,50%)
DarkOrange3 #d75f00 rgb(215,95,0) hsl(6,100%,42%)
IndianRed #d75f5f rgb(215,95,95) hsl(0,60%,60%)
HotPink3 #d75f87 rgb(215,95,135) hsl(340,60%,60%)
HotPink2 #d75faf rgb(215,95,175) hsl(320,60%,60%)
Orchid #d75fd7 rgb(215,95,215) hsl(300,60%,60%)
MediumOrchid1 #d75fff rgb(215,95,255) hsl(285,100%,68%)
Orange3 #d78700 rgb(215,135,0) hsl(7,100%,42%)
LightSalmon3 #d7875f rgb(215,135,95) hsl(20,60%,60%)
LightPink3 #d78787 rgb(215,135,135) hsl(0,50%,68%)
Pink3 #d787af rgb(215,135,175) hsl(330,50%,68%)
Plum3 #d787d7 rgb(215,135,215) hsl(300,50%,68%)
Violet #d787ff rgb(215,135,255) hsl(280,100%,76%)
Gold3 #d7af00 rgb(215,175,0) hsl(8,100%,42%)
LightGoldenrod3 #d7af5f rgb(215,175,95) hsl(40,60%,60%)
Tan #d7af87 rgb(215,175,135) hsl(30,50%,68%)
MistyRose3 #d7afaf rgb(215,175,175) hsl(0,33%,76%)
Thistle3 #d7afd7 rgb(215,175,215) hsl(300,33%,76%)
Plum2 #d7afff rgb(215,175,255) hsl(270,100%,84%)
Yellow3 #d7d700 rgb(215,215,0) hsl(60,100%,42%)
Khaki3 #d7d75f rgb(215,215,95) hsl(60,60%,60%)
LightGoldenrod2 #d7d787 rgb(215,215,135) hsl(60,50%,68%)
LightYellow3 #d7d7af rgb(215,215,175) hsl(60,33%,76%)
Grey84 #d7d7d7 rgb(215,215,215) hsl(0,0%,84%)
LightSteelBlue1 #d7d7ff rgb(215,215,255) hsl(240,100%,92%)
Yellow2 #d7ff00 rgb(215,255,0) hsl(9,100%,50%)
DarkOliveGreen1 #d7ff5f rgb(215,255,95) hsl(75,100%,68%)
DarkOliveGreen1 #d7ff87 rgb(215,255,135) hsl(80,100%,76%)
DarkSeaGreen1 #d7ffaf rgb(215,255,175) hsl(90,100%,84%)
Honeydew2 #d7ffd7 rgb(215,255,215) hsl(120,100%,92%)
LightCyan1 #d7ffff rgb(215,255,255) hsl(180,100%,92%)
Red1 #ff0000 rgb(255,0,0) hsl(0,100%,50%)
DeepPink2 #ff005f rgb(255,0,95) hsl(37,100%,50%)
DeepPink1 #ff0087 rgb(255,0,135) hsl(28,100%,50%)
DeepPink1 #ff00af rgb(255,0,175) hsl(18,100%,50%)
Magenta2 #ff00d7 rgb(255,0,215) hsl(09,100%,50%)
Magenta1 #ff00ff rgb(255,0,255) hsl(300,100%,50%)
OrangeRed1 #ff5f00 rgb(255,95,0) hsl(2,100%,50%)
IndianRed1 #ff5f5f rgb(255,95,95) hsl(0,100%,68%)
IndianRed1 #ff5f87 rgb(255,95,135) hsl(345,100%,68%)
HotPink #ff5faf rgb(255,95,175) hsl(330,100%,68%)
HotPink #ff5fd7 rgb(255,95,215) hsl(315,100%,68%)
MediumOrchid1 #ff5fff rgb(255,95,255) hsl(300,100%,68%)
DarkOrange #ff8700 rgb(255,135,0) hsl(1,100%,50%)
Salmon1 #ff875f rgb(255,135,95) hsl(15,100%,68%)
LightCoral #ff8787 rgb(255,135,135) hsl(0,100%,76%)
PaleVioletRe d1 #ff87af rgb(255,135,175) hsl(340,100%,76%)
Orchid2 #ff87d7 rgb(255,135,215) hsl(320,100%,76%)
Orchid1 #ff87ff rgb(255,135,255) hsl(300,100%,76%)
Orange1 #ffaf00 rgb(255,175,0) hsl(1,100%,50%)
SandyBrown #ffaf5f rgb(255,175,95) hsl(30,100%,68%)
LightSalmon1 #ffaf87 rgb(255,175,135) hsl(20,100%,76%)
LightPink1 #ffafaf rgb(255,175,175) hsl(0,100%,84%)
Pink1 #ffafd7 rgb(255,175,215) hsl(330,100%,84%)
Plum1 #ffafff rgb(255,175,255) hsl(300,100%,84%)
Gold1 #ffd700 rgb(255,215,0) hsl(0,100%,50%)
LightGoldenrod2 #ffd75f rgb(255,215,95) hsl(45,100%,68%)
LightGoldenrod2 #ffd787 rgb(255,215,135) hsl(40,100%,76%)
NavajoWhite1 #ffd7af rgb(255,215,175) hsl(30,100%,84%)
MistyRose1 #ffd7d7 rgb(255,215,215) hsl(0,100%,92%)
Thistle1 #ffd7ff rgb(255,215,255) hsl(300,100%,92%)
Yellow1 #ffff00 rgb(255,255,0) hsl(60,100%,50%)
LightGoldenrod1 #ffff5f rgb(255,255,95) hsl(60,100%,68%)
Khaki1 #ffff87 rgb(255,255,135) hsl(60,100%,76%)
Wheat1 #ffffaf rgb(255,255,175) hsl(60,100%,84%)
Cornsilk1 #ffffd7 rgb(255,255,215) hsl(60,100%,92%)
Grey100 #ffffff rgb(255,255,255) hsl(0,0%,100%)
Grey3 #080808 rgb(8,8,8) hsl(0,0%,3%)
Grey7 #121212 rgb(18,18,18) hsl(0,0%,7%)
Grey11 #1c1c1c rgb(28,28,28) hsl(0,0%,10%)
Grey15 #262626 rgb(38,38,38) hsl(0,0%,14%)
Grey19 #303030 rgb(48,48,48) hsl(0,0%,18%)
Grey23 #3a3a3a rgb(58,58,58) hsl(0,0%,22%)
Grey27 #444444 rgb(68,68,68) hsl(0,0%,26%)
Grey30 #4e4e4e rgb(78,78,78) hsl(0,0%,30%)
Grey35 #585858 rgb(88,88,88) hsl(0,0%,34%)
Grey39 #626262 rgb(98,98,98) hsl(0,0%,37%)
Grey42 #6c6c6c rgb(108,108,108) hsl(0,0%,40%)
Grey46 #767676 rgb(118,118,118) hsl(0,0%,46%)
Grey50 #808080 rgb(128,128,128) hsl(0,0%,50%)
Grey54 #8a8a8a rgb(138,138,138) hsl(0,0%,54%)
Grey58 #949494 rgb(148,148,148) hsl(0,0%,58%)
Grey62 #9e9e9e rgb(158,158,158) hsl(0,0%,61%)
Grey66 #a8a8a8 rgb(168,168,168) hsl(0,0%,65%)
Grey70 #b2b2b2 rgb(178,178,178) hsl(0,0%,69%)
Grey74 #bcbcbc rgb(188,188,188) hsl(0,0%,73%)
Grey78 #c6c6c6 rgb(198,198,198) hsl(0,0%,77%)
Grey82 #d0d0d0 rgb(208,208,208) hsl(0,0%,81%)
Grey85 #dadada rgb(218,218,218) hsl(0,0%,85%)
Grey89 #e4e4e4 rgb(228,228,228) hsl(0,0%,89%)
Grey93 #eeeeee rgb(238,238,238) hsl(0,0%,93%)

Bootstrap color classes

Bootstrap is a widely used open-source front-end web development framework created by Twitter developers Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton. It was first released in 2011 and has since become one of the most popular frameworks for building responsive and visually appealing websites and web applications.

Here are some of the commonly used Bootstrap color classes:

Text Colors
  • text-primary: Sets the text color to the primary theme color.
  • text-secondary: Sets the text color to the secondary theme color.
  • text-success: Sets the color to the success color.
  • text-danger: Sets the color to the critical error color.
  • text-warning: Sets the color to the warning color.
  • text-info: Sets the text color to various contextual colors.
Background Colors
  • bg-primary: Sets the background color to the primary theme color.
  • bg-secondary: Sets the background color to the secondary theme color.
  • bg-success, bg-danger, bg-warning, bg-info: Sets the background color to various contextual colors.
Button Colors
  • btn-primary: Applies the primary theme color to a button.
  • btn-secondary: Applies the secondary theme color to a button.
  • btn-success, btn-danger, btn-warning, btn-info: Applies various contextual colors to buttons.
Alert Colors
  • alert-primary: Sets the color for a primary themed alert box.
  • alert-secondary: Sets the color for a secondary themed alert box.
  • alert-success, alert danger, alert warning, alert info: Sets colors for various contextual alert boxes.

The above Bootstrap color classes make it easy to maintain a consistent and visually appealing design by using Bootstrap's predefined color palette.