Where is php.ini file located?

When you are working with various flavors of Linux servers, you may not know where the php.ini file is located. The php.ini file is a PHP configuration file that is used to customize the behaviors and features of the PHP scripting language. A php.ini file is placed in different directory locations of a server depending on the flavor and version of the Linux server you're working with.

Mass virtual hosting using mod_vhost_alias or mod_rewrite module simplifies pattern-based virtual hosting. However, there is a major problem if your virtual host application makes use of the DOCUMENT_ROOT environment variable. According to the Apache documentation, the mod_vhost_alias does NOT correctly set the DOCUMENT_ROOT variable and hence potentially breaks PHP web applications that make use of this environment variable. It seems that one logical thing to do is to use the VirtualDocumentRoot to map the DOCUMENT_ROOT variable, but current mod_vhost_alias does NOT implement this function and it is very unlikely that it will any time soon.

Freevps installation on CentOS 4.1

FreeVPS is a software package used to set up Virtual Private Servers (VPS) on Linux systems. A VPS is a virtualized server that acts as a dedicated server within a larger physical server. This guide explains how to install FreeVPS on the Centos 4.1 Linux system.

SuSE package manager, zypper

I have recently acquainted with SuSE Linux, and I looked for a package manager that I can use to manage software packages. I started out with Yast, but it wasn't very good at providing resolutions to dependency problems. Someone recommended Zypper over Yast and yast2, so here I am sharing my experience with Zypper.