The UTM (Urchin Traffic Monitor) tracking code is used to track traffic source, medium, and campaign; and allows businesses to track conversion funnel from referral site. With the introduction of Google Tag Manager, some folks are unclear how to implement UTM tracking codes into their HTML pages. The following two simple steps will guide you through installing the UTM javascript snippets into your web pages.

Google Analytics uses cookies to keep track of visitors' web statistics. When you install Google Analytics javascript tracking code on your website, cookies are written to your visitors' computers to keep track of their activities on your website. Cookies store visitor's first visit, page views, how long they stayed on your site, entry point, and exit point among others. Cookies set by Google Analytics include __utma, __utmb, __utmc, __utmv, __utmx, and __utmz; and samples of those cookies are as follows:

Building a traffic-bearing website is a journey that demands time, dedication, and strategic planning. While various methods exist, each website is unique in its requirements. Personally, I find Wordpress to be an excellent choice for website building, thanks to its user-friendly nature. Although other content management systems like Drupal and Joomla offer robust features, Wordpress's versatility and extensive plugin library make it a preferred platform.

PPC stands for Pay-Per-Click, and it is the placement of an advertisement on the search engine result pages (SERPs) for a specific keyword phrase in return for a specified payment when a visitor clicks on the link. The PPC link is also known as Sponsored Link, and the advertiser pays an agreed (or bid) amount each time a visitor clicks on the link.