A hyperlink is a navigation element in a HTML document that allows a user to navigate onto another location within the same document or to an entirely different document. Hyperlinks are a fundamental concept in web development and are used to connect web pages on the internet. This hyperlink analyzer will detect all internal and external hyperlinks, their attributes and anchor text.

Why do you need a hyperlink analyzer?

The hyperlink analyzer will detect all internal and external hyperlinks contained in a HTML document, and display their attributes and anchor text. This is helpful to webmasters, marketers and SEO professionals to analyze the links contained within a document in simple glance for analysis and troubleshooting.

The hyperlink analyzer displays the REL attribute which distinguishes amongst links with the "nofollow", "dofollow", "sponsored" and "UGC" attributes as well as whether the link is internal or external. This is important for SEO, as search engines treat these links differently in terms of passing authority.